Kishan Kumar
Featured PRs ✨
feat: use client-hints for theme
feat: add editing support for `citext` data type in table editor
feat: generate types on local dev and self-hosted supabase studio
feat: add POST, DELETE, and PATCH for `roles` in local dev
fix(local): Supabase Studio giving success message even if the delete user operation fails
fix: ignore commented out code when giving warning in SQL editor
All My PRs
feat: add video demo
feat: task due date
feat: google auth, tests, improve UI
feat: minor changes
feat: first MVP
feat: improve UI | Better Error Handling
feat: add fetcher key for theme fetcher
feat: migrate remix v2
templates(cloudflare-pages): update `.node-version`
fix: RLS docs, add better explanation of `using` and `with check` expressions
fix: show API button in table editor only for public schema
docs: next.js naming conventions in auth docs